Acupressure: healing through the chi by Marina Pastore
The traditional Chinese medicine has created and influenced many alternative therapies and techniques of massage. One of them is the acupressure, also known as Do-In, which is a massage technique that deals with the flow of natural energy, known as Chi, in the body. The acupressure works with the balance of the body, by pressuring and stimulating specific points, which are connected to glands of the body.
Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points and meridians, but acupuncture employs needles, while acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure and integrates bodywork therapies, therapeutic touch, somatic work, healing imagery, energy psychology, and massage therapy techniques.
According to the Traditional Chinese theory, what explains the effectiveness of the acupressure is the fact that when the specific points are pressured, large amounts of endorphin are released to the body. As a result of it, the pain is blocked and the person feels relieved.
Benefits The technique of acupressure provides many benefits to the patient. It helps to relieve and relax from stress, tension and fatigue; increases blood circulation; promotes healing of injuries; increase energy levels and feeling of well-being; decreases labor pains. It is also effective in reducing back pain.
Regular practice of acupressure is a good preventive option to ward off diseases. There are points that, once pressured, can help healing diseases such as allergies, epilepsy, bronchitis, etc. It can be used during the menopause in order to relieve the symptoms.
Alerts Although the acupressure method brings benefits to the body, the professional and the patient must be aware about the fact that this technique can't be performed after doing heavy exercise, having a large meal or a hot bath, and taking medicines such as analgesics.
Areas with inflammation and bruises should not be pressured. In case of chronic or degenerative illness and heart problems, the patient should not be submitted to the acupressure.
During pregnancy, there are some points that should not be pressured, mostly on the abdominal area, because it may cause an abortion. It is recommended for the woman to inform the professional that she is pregnant. Even though, it may help during the birth process to reduce the intensity of contractions and the pain perception.
Curiosities Acupressure is one of the most ancient methods of massage. It has been practiced for healing for at least 5000 years and it is based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine. This technique is believed to be the "mother of acupuncture". Acupressure preceded acupuncture by at least one millennium.
There is not a specific length for the acupressure course; it may vary from school to school. It goes from a basic course of 150 hours and an advanced training program of 850 hours.
About the Author
Marina Pastore is a writer for LocalHands.com , the world's largest Massage Therapy Directory and the discussion forum for Massage Therapy including topics on massage techniques, alternative medicine, and more. For more information please visit http://www.localhands.com/.
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