Diabetes-What Are The Causes? by Jack Krohn
Much has been written about Diabetes and rightfully so. Somewhere around 20-22 million Americans have it. Many countless millions more have it and don't know it. It is rapidly becoming a world wide epidemic. Many ask what are the causes of Diabetes? Here are some answers.
First of all, by way of background, Diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body uses food for energy. Normally the food you eat is broken down into a sugar called glucose. Insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, moves the glucose into your blood cells as fuel.
If you have diabetes your pancreas either doesn't make insulin at all (type 1) or the cells don't respond (type2). In either case the blood glucose levels get too high causing, over time, serious complications.
Here are some common myths. Diabetes is:
1. Not caused by eating sweets. Eating sweets can cause obesity which is a major risk factor.
2. Not contagious. You can't pass it on to others other than by genetics.
3. Not caused by stress although stress does make the symptoms worse.
Type 1 Diabetes affects only 5 % of all diabetics. In my opinion it is by far the worst of the two types. In type 1 the cells that make insulin are destroyed - an auto immune reaction causing dependence on outside sources of insulin. There is no cure for type 1 diabetes.
In type 2 the cell receptors that respond to insulin either don't work at all or not very well causing insulin resistance. The most common risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes are age, sedentary lifestyle and being overweight. My money goes on the weight issue as the #1 cause. Heredity too is a huge part.
Type 2 Diabetes has been called a disease of lifestyle. It certainly was in my case. As with a lot of folks, as you get older your metabolism slows down, you start gaining weight, you are less active and more sedentary-a trifecta of reasons for the disease. Add in some unhealthy eating habits and you have the 'perfect storm' for Diabetes.
There is no cure for type 2. The good news is that it can be controlled and even prevented. HOW? You ask. Prevention is easy. Stay active, watch your diet and weight, and don't get older (just kidding). Once you have it, control is handled thru exercise, weight control, diet and if necessary medication. Control is absolutely necessary.
Bottom line IF YOU CAN AVOID IT-AVOID IT. Education is the key to dodging this bullet. Getting Diabetes is no picnic.
Jack Krohn has had Diabetes, Pre-diabetes and Syndrome X for nearly fifteen years. He speaks from the experiences he has had during that time. He is also a free lance writer-the #1 author of Home Security Articles in the country.
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