Hair Loss in Men by Stephen Ashton
Why do men lose their hair? In some cases, baldness which occurs naturally in men is genetically inherent in families. While baldness is considered a natural process, it is nonetheless a problem most men have to grapple with. Hair loss in men can be viewed as a sign of aging, however, this is a false assumption.
Today, unlike years ago, men can have their hair replaced using three specific methods.
One is taking a medication such as Propecia, which has been FDA approved. The second option would be to have hair replaced surgically; and the third option is purchasing a hairpiece. Propecia seems to be the method of choice, but it is not for everyone. Sexual side effects using this drug have been reported.
Surgery would involve shifting sections of scalp or transplanting plugs of hair. However, an infection may result. The last option, purchasing a hair piece is certainly viable; especially today that advanced technology has made hair pieces more natural and accessible.
Other likely causes for hair loss are stress; and alopecia areata; surgery or chemotherapy; poor diet; thyroid disease; certain medications; scalp ringworm; and chemical treatments.
The condition alopecia areata occurs when the immune system shuts down because it assumes the hair follicles are antibodies. This condition usually causes patchy loss.
It is estimated that men typically lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, which is part of the hair renewal process. Fortunately or unfortunately, as the case may be, most people lose hair at one time. While the loss may be temporary, other losses are more permanent. One of the most common causes of hair loss for men occurs from the front to the crown and is considered a hormonal imbalance. To treat this condition, there are certain medications which can offer a preventative alternative.
Hair loss in men can be devastating; especially when at a young age. For some, the hair grows back; for others, they have to decide whether to take medication, have surgery or buy a hair piece. While there are three options to remedy hair loss in men, it would be a good idea to research each method to determine the best course of action for you. Check with your doctor, especially if you are inclined to take Propecia. While some men view baldness as sexy; others find receding hairlines and loss of hair distasteful. Thankfully, there are choices.
What Causes Hair Loss in Men and How Can It Be Treated?
What causes hair loss in men and how can it be treated? It is believed that baldness in men can be attributed to disease. Excessive weight gain or loss within a close period of time is a factor. An iron deficiency is also a cause of hair loss in men. However, most some believe that hair loss is neither due to an illness nor a medical condition. While it is asserted that pattern baldness affects over 20 million men in the United States, it is stated that one in four men begin to go bald by the age of thirty. In addition, when men reach sixty, the odds are considerably worse; two out of three go bald.
Since it has already been determined that baldness is inherently familial, you may want to check your maternal side to ascertain if your mother's father went bald and at what age. According to research, a hair follicle's normal growth rate is five years before the hair is replaced by new hair growth. In men, when a hair falls out; a new one does not start to grow. Usually occurring above the forehead, thus revealing a receding hairline, it works its way back to the crown of the head. Thus, a bald spot increases in size until the entire top of the head is bald. The only hair remaining is on the sides of the head.
Hair loss can be treated with two medications: Minoxidil, which is applied directly to the scalp, helps slow the balding in most men. In fact, it begins new hair growth. While this medication only works for younger men, who are just beginning the balding phase, it takes about a year to determine if the medication was successful. Another medication is Finasteride, which taken orally, blocks the testosterone which causes hair loss. This medication has shown to be effective in stopping hair loss in men, and start new hair growth. The results of this medication may also take a year before any progress is shown.
As men age, their hair becomes thinner. As the hair thins, it the oil increases; which causes an insufficiency of the hair root. This ultimately contributes to hair loss. If you an oily scalp, in addition to thinning hair, the best advice offered by experts is to shampoo frequently. If you experience sudden hair loss, contact your doctor to determine the cause.
While hair loss is natural, always be certain to check the amount of hair you are losing each day. Use a comb, not a brush, on your hair. Braiding your hair can also cause a similar condition that will eventually cause hair loss. Use whatever preventative measures to ensure your hair is properly maintained. If necessary, the cause and treatment of hair loss in men can be discerned at an early age.
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Bristol Chiropractic specialise in treating all types of back and neck pain including sciatica and disc problems, whiplash injuries, neck and arm pain, tennis elbow and shoulder problems, hip pain, knee problems and foot pain, headaches and sports injuries. Our office is located at the Chiron Centre in Westbury-on-Trym. http://www.bristolchiropractic.co.uk/
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