Melanin and Laser Hair Removal by Gordon Petten
Top Reasons for getting Laser Hair Removal
1. Freedom from temporary hair removal solutions: While undergoing sessions of laser hair removal, you may shave if there is any hair in between sessions so you don't have to let the hair grow as you would with waxing. Normally there is minimal hair in between laser hair removal sessions.
2. Cost Effective: Laser hair removal is much more affordable than it used to be. Now more men and women are finding laser hair removal is affordable and more economic in the long term as well in comparison to waxing or depilatory creams.
3. Confidence: Most individuals who undergo laser hair removal feel much more comfortable with themselves. Women who are treating the face area, arms, bikini line or legs feel the confidence to wear whatever they please without having to plan days or weeks in advance.
4. Permanent Results: Laser hair removal really is a permanent solution to unwanted hair. Normally 5-7 treatments are required to achieve these permanent results. The average loss after consecutive treatments is 85-95% reduction of hair. What may remain after a series of treatments are minimal fine sparse hairs.
5. Eliminate Ingrown Hairs: Laser hair removal also prevents and eliminates ingrown hairs! Once the hair has been destroyed, so is the ingrown. If you do have ingrown hairs, the laser will still by pass the skin and destroy the root of the hair. Melanin and the importance of melanin for Laser Hair Removal Melanin is pigmented cells. Melanin is responsible for giving human's skin colour and hair colour. Persons with darker skin have greater quantities of melanin in the skin. Melanin in the skin provides an essential role for the body. Melanin in the skin is the suns natural protection from UV rays. Those with fair skin or with less melanin in the skin are at higher risk of sunburns. Melanin in the hair is essential to laser hair removal. Laser light is attracted to the pigmented hair follicles. Laser hair removal involves using the pigment in the follicle to generate enough heat to the stem cell matrix, causing enough damage to destroy the cell completely. Since laser hair removal functions on the principle of attracting pigmented hair follicles, those with dark hair are the best candidates for laser hair removal.
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